Blogshop review: Doozie Doozy

Hey all!

A newbie is in town! And they are called Doozie Doozy! Their new items are Bright! Colourful! And Vintage! Perfect for the summer with all the colours and if you are into vintage, Doozie Doozy's the right place for you.

(Shorts and skirt all in one! Now you don't need to worry about the wind blowing your skirt. Lol)

Code: D100001
(Something to wear for the weekend. Throw on a funky necklace and you will look perfect)

Code: D10016
(Absolutely vintage worn with with a brown belt)

Code: D10024
(Absolutely Roman and Greek! And not to mention the bright colours!)

Code: D10028
(Another maxi dress with pleated straps which screams for attention)
 Check out this newbie at